Managers Feel Anxious and Isolated. The Surprising Cure is Gratitude.
Reading Time: 5 minutesWhen you’re promoted to a managerial position, your first response is most likely pride and excitement. But after the initial thrill of updating your LinkedIn profile wears off, you might find yourself feeling something else: lonely, anxious, and even depressed. If you’re a manager struggling with these feelings, you’re not alone. Plenty of managers struggle […]
Effective Communication Strategies for Employees Who Won’t Engage
Reading Time: 6 minutesAs a manager, you show up to one-on-one meetings ready to dig deep into your employee’s problems, help them pursue their goals, and celebrate their achievements. But sometimes, you’re faced with an employee who just. won’t. talk. They don’t bring their own agenda items to discuss. You can’t engage them on a personal level. And […]
Effective Types of Feedback and When to Use Them
Reading Time: 6 minutesFor managers, giving and receiving feedback is a complex and delicate subject. Yet we tend to reduce different types of feedback to a simple binary of positive and negative. In one corner, we picture a drill sergeant screaming at new recruits. In the other, we picture a preschool teacher handing out gold stars, even to […]
How Managers Can Get Better Results by Being Better Communicators
Reading Time: 5 minutesThe soul of management is communication. When it’s going right, you feel like the coach in Friday Night Lights, helping your team win games and become better people. But when it’s going wrong, you feel like the boss in Amelia Bedelia, the children’s book series about a maid with a knack for misinterpreting instructions. (Ask […]
How Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Can Fix Your Broken Company Culture
Reading Time: 6 minutesIn a hospital, they call it triage: prioritizing the most urgent patients during a medical crisis. In the workplace, when faced with a crisis of culture, managers have to employ a kind of triage as well: addressing your team’s most critical needs first in order to earn their trust and motivation. But how do we […]
Employee Burnout Costs Businesses Millions—Here’s How Managers Can Stop it

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s not just a case of the Mondays. Nearly every manager has witnessed employee burnout first-hand. And many managers feel helpless when they see formerly high-performing employees become unproductive or apathetic or disappear altogether. The good news is, you’re not alone. Workplace burnout is an epidemic plaguing the American workforce, and the statistics about it […]
Why 2020 Will be the Year We Work Less
Reading Time: 4 minutesLet’s face it: even if you love your job, chances are you’ve probably daydreamed about doing it a little less. After all, in the past few decades, we’ve seen the rise of countless new technologies that promised to make us more efficient and productive. Yet, many of us are working more hours than ever. But […]
How to Level Up Your Team’s Productivity in 2020
Reading Time: 4 minutesA new year brings a renewed sense of energy and purpose both at home and at work. As a manager, that gives you a valuable opportunity to channel that positive energy into increased productivity. The first few months of 2020 are the perfect time to rethink how you do business and to recommit to your […]
What Great Managers Do, According to the Pros at 9 Fast-Growing Startups
Reading Time: 11 minutesBeing a manager is rewarding, but it can also be isolating. The higher you rise through the ranks of leadership, the fewer people you can ask, “Am I doing it right?” That’s why it’s so important to occasionally compare notes with other managers. It’s how you learn new ideas, get a glimpse of other company […]
The 5 News Stories from 2019 that will Change how we do Business in 2020
Reading Time: 6 minutesWhen it came to the business stories that dominated the headlines, 2019 could be called the year of accountability. In the last year of the decade, companies in industries ranging from tech to manufacturing to whatever industry WeWork is were held responsible—to their employees, to their customers, and to the world at large. As managers look […]